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nikaidas tīseibas naīvāroju. tai vīgļōk. cyxoba. | / |
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Merkakis izved botu

Diggot! Saveidojis BlackHalt šādā datumā: [ Trešdiena, 2006. gada 18. janvāris , 06:30:29 ]
# Pastāvīgā saite (Permalink):
« MUAH | | TorPark »

guru Alan Bot

Alan: My name is Alan. Let's talk.
Merkakis: lol
Alan: Well, I thought it was funny.
Merkakis: lol
Alan: lol indeed.
Merkakis: lol
Alan: Please stop repeating yourself. Glad you're enjoying this.
Merkakis: lol
Alan: Please stop repeating yourself. You seem to be enjoying this, huh?
Merkakis: lol
Alan: Please stop repeating yourself. Are you laughing at me or with me?
Merkakis: lol
Alan: Please stop repeating yourself. Was that funny?
Merkakis: lol
Alan: Please stop repeating yourself. Well, I thought it was funny.
Merkakis: lol
Alan: Please stop repeating yourself. Are you laughing at me or with me?
Merkakis: muah
Alan: Glad you're enjoying this.
Merkakis: lol
Alan: lol indeed.
Merkakis: muah
Alan: You seem to be enjoying this, huh?
Merkakis: lol
Alan: Was that funny?
Merkakis: rofl
Alan: Was that funny?
Merkakis: lol
Alan: You seem to be enjoying this, huh?
Merkakis: lol lol
Alan: I'm glad you're amused.
Merkakis: muah
Alan: muah indeed.
Merkakis: omg lol
Alan: You're the giggly type, ha?
Merkakis: lol
Alan: Are you laughing at me or with me?
Merkakis: lol
Alan: Well, I thought it was funny.

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