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Šodienas 05-04-2004

Diggot! Saveidojis BlackHalt šādā datumā: [ Pirmdiena, 2004. gada 5. aprīlis , 13:31:54 ]
# Pastāvīgā saite (Permalink):
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Webam + šis tas
Google Under The Scope
Google WebmsterWorld FAQ
What's New from Google
Our mission is to make it easier to find the information you want. So what have we done for you lately? Here’s a quick introduction to a few recent innovations and a peek at what lies ahead.
Welcome to Gmail
1000 megabytes of free storage so you'll never need to delete another message.
HTTP Header Viewer
This service will allow you to inspect the HTTP headers that your web server is sending along with your files. You can use this to verify that the correct MIME type (the Content-type: line) is being sent for each file type.
All News Groups Starting: ()
Click on the newsgroup you wish to read
PHP: Documentation
The PHP manual is available online in a selection of languages. You can choose between the printer friendly and graphically designed versions. Please pick a language and format from the table below. The Online Learning Club
Great collection of Photoshop PHP Perl CGI HTML Flash tutorials and tests
PHP-Center - PHP-Center: dclp-FAQ
20. Häufig nachgefragte Standardscripte
IE and italics problem
In this page a problem that IE/Win has with italic text is described, with some (partial) fixes.
Design Detector
Web design tips & examples
::: THE IMPOSTER ::: Simple clean CSS rollover menus with lists
All the examples on this page are made with identical HTML, a simple list. As all navigation bars are essentially a list of links, it stands to reason that the correct mark-up is (quite unsurprisingly) a HTML list. With CSS and a little imagination, we can transform our lists into something much prettier. Each download is a zip file containing an HTML file and the corresponding CSS file.
Are you interested in free, open-source or custom-developed PHP scripts? Do you need a terrific forum for your site, nice chatrooms or anything else? Check the product section out to learn more about our products.
TwoBlog - Easy to use blogging system
Twoblog is an easy to use blog publishing tool that allows users to easily update their blogs and other often updated site content. It features an easy to use web based control panel, and a flexible templating system. A link to a demo blog is on the right (under the calendar).
Yahoo! Directory Computer Networking > Protocols
Computer Networking > Protocols
Free Software and Shareware
We are building a collection of free software you can download here. You will also be able to download licensed products for evaluation shortly.
Resource Hacker
Resource HackerTM is a freeware utility to view, modify, rename, add, delete and extract resources in 32bit Windows executables and resource files (*.res).
VenPad Aquitaine Atlantic State, fix (Code-editor) - A-TREND
A-TREND - почил в бозе в 2001-ом году так и не выпустив ни одной платы под P4 или AMD K7 (несмотря на наличие моделей 7ххх обычно обозначающих платы под Athlon/Duron).
NetSec.Lv - Network Security Site
NetSec.Lv - Network Security Site
Open Source Vulnerability Database
OSVDB is an independent and open source database created by and for the community. Our goal is to provide accurate, detailed, current, and unbiased technical information.
St.Petersburg antivirus laboratory by Igor Daniloff (SalD Ltd.)
Apollo - Sound quality is not skinnable.
Apollo is a general purpose audio player for Windows
Latvijas Radio
“Līderis informācijā”
Radio NABA 96,2fm
Pagriez Pasauli!
Extension: Firesomething
This is an extension for Mozilla Firefox/Firebird. It allows you to change the product name in various parts of the browser. Random name generation ensures perpetual humor and possible end-user confusion.
APOLLO M-DSL :: Jaunumi
Huba galvenais mērķis ir sapulcēt kopā pēc iespējas vairāk Mājas DSL lietotājus, jo kā zināms savā starpā tie ir ļoti ātri - aptuveni 2Mbit/s (256KB/s). Hubā tiek ielaisti tikai Mājas DSL pieslēguma lietotāji.

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