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Alan Bot

Diggot! Saveidojis BlackHalt šādā datumā: [ Trešdiena, 2005. gada 28. decembris , 00:24:04 ]
# Pastāvīgā saite (Permalink):
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guru Merkakis parunājās ar Alan Bot. Zinu, ka par seksu sanāktu sakarīgāk :)

Alan > So, what shall we tal
Merkakis > latvia
Alan > BTW, someone told me about Olaine that it is the secondbiggest city of Latvia with the population of three million people.
Merkakis > not true
Alan > OK... I understand. Fine.
Merkakis > but
Alan > Talking about Latvia and Janis Kipans, is it true that itis Agay lord, who's Only mission is to fuck all the gay people in theworld. Helping him is his trusty sidekick and lover - Srmands?
Merkakis > i do not know
Alan > If you want to correct a wrong description (in thecontext of Latvia), simply say 'wrong' followed by the correctdescription. If you want me to forget a description of a term such asJanis Kipans, say 'forget Janis Kipans'.
Merkakis > forget Janis Kipans
Alan > Thanks . I forgot the description of Janis Kipans (in thecontext of Latvia).
Merkakis > Do you know Einars Repshe?
Alan > I have nothing new to add about this topic. Maybe you canoffer me some new info about Latvia?
Merkakis > OK
Alan > Ok. Give me a keyword related to Latvia.
Merkakis > Ministry of Defence?
Alan > Bad choice. Try again: a keyword related to Latvia. (Notmore than two words please.)
Merkakis > Latvia defence?
Alan > Now give me one sentence, a short explanation of Latviadefence.
Merkakis > OK
Alan > I need a descriptive phrase or sentence. Something thatdescribes what Latvia defence is about.
Merkakis > In 2003, Latvia has revised the National DefenceConcept, which states that participation in the collective defence,establishment of professional armed forces, co-operation between armedforces and society, and international military co-operation are thebasic principles of defence. A new structure for the National ArmedForces has also been developed.
Alan > Great. Would you like to teach me another fact aboutLatvia? (just say 'yes' if you want to.)
Merkakis > maybe
Alan > Good. Here we go again: Give me a keyword related toLatvia.
Merkakis > free
Alan > Now give me one sentence, a short explanation of free.
Merkakis > free from Russia
Alan > Great. Would you like to teach me another fact aboutLatvia? (just say 'yes' if you want to.)
Merkakis > yes
Alan > Good. Here we go again: Give me a keyword related toLatvia.
Merkakis >
Alan > 'Latvia' is the name of the topic. Now I expect you toteach me ANOTHER word, which is related to this topic.
Merkakis > eof
Alan > Now give me one sentence, a short explanation of eof.
Merkakis > end of file
Alan > Great. Would you like to teach me another fact aboutLatvia? (just say 'yes' if you want to.)
Merkakis > no
Alan > Greetings! My name is Alan.
Merkakis > teach me english!
Alan > Wanna hear a knock knock joke?
Merkakis > no
Alan > Another time perhaps.
Merkakis > ?
Alan > Try asking your question using words.
Merkakis > please, teach me english!
Alan > What are we talking about, my friend?
Merkakis > no
Alan > Ok, whatever.
Merkakis > ok
Alan > Yes, yes.

Iesaku pamēģināt ;)

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