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Shell štelles

Diggot! Saveidojis BlackHalt šādā datumā: [ Trešdiena, 2005. gada 13. aprīlis , 04:15:49 ]
# Pastāvīgā saite (Permalink):
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Visi sadaļas ieraksti: Parādīt papildus rakstu izvēlni

Shell script - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shell Script Library :: Wicked Cool Shell Scripts: Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, Bash, Bourne Shell, scripting -- by Dave Taylor
NewsForge | What to watch out for when writing portable shell scriptsNewsForge | What to watch out for when writing portable shell scripts
[ z a z z y b o b . c o m ] /bin Writing shell scripts.
SuperMan Pages
Linux commands
UNIX/Linux Shell Commands
Shells - Wiki

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